Thursday, September 2, 2010

What Happens When Nana is Sick?

Well my organizational skills were put to the test today. My mom is still very ill with bilateral ear infections and a sinus infection. She can't even walk a straight line so she didn't feel safe driving...well she didn't feel well at all so she stayed home this morning. The morning started out okay. I got Ethan dressed and out to the bus stop. Thanks to his fascination with cafeteria food he wanted breakfast at school. This saved me about 5-10 minutes so I took that time to take a shower and throw my clothes on. Lauren also awakened at 6:30 a.m. so I got her dressed too before Ethan's bus arrived.
After Ethan got on the bus, I fixed Lauren's breakfast, did my makeup and hair, fixed Lauren's hair and took her off to the early drop off at preschool. She was very concerned about who would pick her up. I assured her it would be myself or Pap but she did not want me. She sat in the back of the van and cried that she wanted her Pap to pick her up. I told her I'd do the best I could, all the while thinking that it wasn't going to happen because he was going to have to take mom back to the dr. As side note, it was "wear Red" day at preschool so I am going to let you see Lauren on her way to will be a good comparative tool later in the blog.

I got a call on my cell soon after I got to work from Mom. She said she felt like she could stay alone while Dad came and picked Lauren up from school so the plan was in motion and that sweet little face wouldn't have to be disappointed when Mommy showed up.

I finally got in touch with Dad about 1:30 p.m. and the two of them had just returned from McDonalds. He told me he was making her take her good dress off and they couldn't find anything that matched for her to wear. At that point in time he said she had on denim short, black boots, and a pink chenille winter dress. I let him get off the phone so that he could get her dressed. When I got home from work at 4: 30, Ethan and Lauren were riding their bikes in the road and this is what she was wearing:

The kicker is this: Dad comes over chuckling and says he took the kids to SnoBiz. I gasped and asked "Did she wear pants?!" He said, "No, I took her like that." I was appalled. My daughter had been parading around Proctorville in her JoJo panties, a bathing suit top, and white sequinned high heels!
Dad ,totally oblivious to Lauren's fashion faux pas, said "Well I let them order what they wanted. When it was Lauren's turn she told the girl she wanted a "GOOD TIME CHARLIE". The girl started laughing and asked her again. Lauren says "I want a GOOD TIME CHARLIE." When she told her they didn't make that kind of sno-cone, Lauren says, OK, I'll take rainbow. Now the only reason I think she would ask for a GOOD TIME CHARLIE is that I usually order a Harley (peach, strawberry, and orange) and they watch the Disney show, Good Luck Charlie. Maybe she has just created her own signature flavor!

Ethan has become an entrepreneur. The Thompsons came down to play yesterday and it was 96 degrees outside. Everyone was hot, thirsty, and wanting popsicles (that I did not have). Well Ethan and Jacob disappeared for a a few minutes. When I found them Ethan was driving Lauren's pink Barbie Jeep and they had the back compartment full of Diet Mountain Dew. Jacob was hawking the Dew for $10 a can. Ethan even had his piggy bank out there to deposit their earnings. It was too cute! Sara took pictures and I will post when she gets them up on facebook. The cutest thing came today when Ethan said he had been talking to Josh, a second grader from down the street. He told me that Josh wanted to join the business and would be bringing his popcorn up to sell along with the Mt. Dew. So all you hungry, thirsty people just head on over to Williams Street and these boys will set you up. Who knows, they may be the next Sonny Knight or Dave Thomas!


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